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  • 1930



    Frivolita tells the story of a girl who just wants to sleep in for a little while longer, but to do so she must combat first her alarm, then a gramophone and last but not least a line of loud cats.

  • 1930

    Swing You Sinners

    Swing You Sinners

    In this quirky tale of justice, the main character is terrorized by a chorus of singing ghouls in a graveyard whilst on the run for stealing from a hen house.

  • 1933

    Betty Boop in Snow White

    Betty Boop in Snow White

    Betty Boop stars as Snow White. Jealous of her beauty, Snow White’s wicked stepmother punishes her and sends her to her death. WIth the help of the seven dwarves Snow White manages to escape, but not for long!

  • 1935

    A Colour Box

    A Colour Box

    An experimental film. Lye uses abstract art to the sound of Cuban music. Produced as an advert for General Post Office the film received critical acclaim with some festivals creating new categories to just award it.

  • 1935

    Balloon Land

    Balloon Land

    In a world where everyone and everything is made of balloons, the scariest thing is a villain named the Pincushionman who seeks to terrorise the inhabitants of Ballon Land. Can the balloon people defeat him? Find out in this cartoon.

  • 1935

    Die Feuerprobe

    Die Feuerprobe

    Advertisement for Schott & Gen, this cartoon shows the new glass cookware offering itself up for a trial by fire and proving the many ways you can cook with them.

  • 1936

    My Big Emergency / おいらの非常時

    My Big Emergency / おいらの非常時

    Korokichi and his froggy friends live in a peaceful idyllic village. One day their peace is disrupted by devilish invaders who seek to destroy their village. Together Korokichi and his friends use their special talents such as Owl’s headlight eyes and Bunny’s skills as a radar robot to defeat these invaders.

  • 1939

    As Aventuras de Virgulino

    As Aventuras de Virgulino

    The third ever Brazillian Cartoon made, As Aventuras de Virgulino tells the story of Virgulino, who must fight to save a girl who has been kidnapped. The original film is 3 minutes long but this is the only remaining part

  • 1939



    Advertisement for the BBC Sigma refrigerator. In the kitchen, the sun torments the food who look for a way out of the sizzling heat, the BBC Sigma refrigerator offers itself up extolling the virtues of this new product.

  • 1939

    Hamateur Night

    Hamateur Night

    A classic Looney Tunes cartoon, contestants showcase their talents at an amateur night.

  • 1939

    The Three Bears

    The Three Bears

    A twist on Goldilocks and the three bears. Goldilocks is the hero in this tale, after breaking into the home of the three bears and ends up befriending the bears, she saves them from an intruder.